Te Mahi Rangahau
My reflective journal containing the mahi of 12 weeks of reading and learning within MĀORI570
An Indigenious Framework
Te Mahi Rangahau
How do we educate our youth? We surround them with community, we give them meaningful experiences that highlight the responsibility to be meaningful, intelligent and kind. We watch for their gifts; we shape assessment to reflect their mastery, that is accomplished in real time. We laugh more, we harvest the hope of aloha. We help each other, we listen more, we trust in one and other again. We have what we need, we are what we need (Myer, 2001)

Educational and Restorative Change
All wāhine that are sentenced into Auckland Women's Regional Correctional Facility (AWRCF), would then participate in this model of care on a day-to-day basis. The village focused framework would be the operational framework at AWRCF, it would NOT be elective, or negotiable, it is simply the way that the inside would run. The difference being that it would now offer opportunity, enablement, empowerment and mana, producing sustainable and long-term intergenerational restorative change inside and outside, not punishment, amplification of criminal prowess and further mainstream distancing.

When wāhine reclaim and re-author their pūkārau, we re-instate wāhine as holders of the knowledge, as opposed to listening to stories that have been commodified for white consumption.
Privileging the Voice of the Incarcerated Wāhine
It is timely to produce a piece of rangahu that has been done in an ethnographic way with the RAW wāhine (a cohort now 90 strong). Where I will use kaupapa Māori research methods of inclusion, participation, observation and listening to identify and privilege the incarcerated wāhine voices. Wāhine who have actually experienced the impact of and possibility within the penal system.